Emma Taggart | Author

Emma Taggart

I am a stay-at-home mum to a kind, sweet-natured little girl. I think children’s books are magical and have the ability to resonate with so many different people in a way very little else is able to. They help teach the most complex subjects in a way children understand and can relate to. Children are born so pure. Using stories to instil morals in them that help them make the world a better, more accepting place is something I would love to be a part of through my writing.

Author's Books
A Dorse Named Sid

A Dorse Named Sid is a fanciful story portrayed through short rhyming verses, which are both thought-provoking and will ignite the readers imagination. It is a fun book to read and shares a valuable lesson for children: the age-old moral of not judging a book by its cover. The characters are a mix...

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