Duha Amin | Author

Duha Amin

I started my writing journey when I was in seventh grade, my first writing was about a nightmare I had, but this was not the first step of my writing; it all started when I watched an episode of Detective Conan and read about fictional detective novels authors; Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Then I researched more until I found, The A.B.C. Murders, a novel that motivated me to continue my writing and unveiled my skills in writing, after that I started my first novel in 2016.

Author's Books
Queen Of Mystery

A ship sails in the middle of the ocean, it holds many secrets hidden in that ocean with three faces, a sad face, an angry face and a happy smiling one, but all the three will betray this ship that has many holes, to fight the idea of losing against these different faces of the ocean. Who could win ...

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