Devika Sharma | Author

Devika Sharma

Unique in storyline and creation, this book project was written and illustrated by 122 contributors from around the globe. Devika Sharma, Project co-ordinator of The Moving Type resides in Dubai as a marketing professional, “The strongest chapters are born from the toughest times. In the midst of a pandemic, it was incredible to connect with complete strangers from all over the world who couldn’t be more different from each other, and yet, here we were creating a beautiful little cocoon that we could escape to by just doing what brings us unparalleled happiness and purpose. Each chapter carries its own style, its own agenda, its own voice. Even if there wasn’t a big heading separating each chapter, you would immediately be able to tell that a new writer has begun working on the story."

Author's Books
The Moving Type

It was hard to imagine that the post-apocalyptic world that only existed in the movies had suddenly become reality in the city of Matana. With the Budlyt-19 virus continuing to spread, leading pharmaceutical companies battle for the antidote and the wealth they would be rewarded with in return. Litt...

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