Daham El Mezrab | Author

Daham El Mezrab

Daham El Mezrab is a fascinating blend of contradiction. A descendant of Arab nobility who writes modern poetry, a man who enjoys chess, novels, philosophy, and street fighting. He believes in tradition, yet he defies it. He believes in God, yet his intellectual heroes are atheists.

He enjoys hard work and toil. He can be very brutal and tender. He is a law student, a provider, a religious man, a sinner; just a man channelling his chaos through self-expression, his favourite way being poetry.

Author's Books
On Par With Emotions

A few verses written to relieve personal struggle and stress, an expression of emotions that forces connection. One verse is brutal, the other tender. Has poetic mood swings, poetic madness, poetic blasphemy, poetic godly mysticism. These are the words of the poet about an epic journey with pen as h...

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