Awatif Mohammed Alhattami | Author

Awatif Mohammed Alhattami

Awatif Mohammed Alhattami is a doctor and a mother to two wonderful girls. Awatif is also a yoga instructor and she loves writing. 

She moved to Sweden with her family for several years to study, then returned to her hometown of Jeddah where she currently resides.  

Awatif Mohammed Alhattami
Author's Books
Laila And Salma's Diaries

My name is Layla, I am ten years old and I study in the fifth grade. I have a long black hair, I wear glasses and I love reading and drawing. And this is my sister Salma, she is six years old, in the first grade, she has silky hair.She is an active and cheerful girl who loves to play with her friend...

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