2024 Reading Resolution Revolution: Craft Your Perfect “To-Read” List

The holidays have faded, snowdrifts melted into mud, and the promise of a fresh year shimmers on the horizon. For bookworms, it’s the perfect time to ignite a passion for new literary escapades. But with endless recommendations swirling like a snowstorm, crafting your “To-Read” list can feel daunting. Fear not, bibliophile! Grab your metaphorical mug of cocoa and settle in, because we’re about to build a bookish blizzard of brilliance for 2024.

  1. Reflect on Your Inner Bookworm:

Before venturing into the literary unknown, take stock of your reading landscape. What genres left you breathless this year? Which authors whispered wisdom? Did historical epics ignite your imagination, or did contemporary dramas tug at your heartstrings? This reflection becomes your compass, guiding you towards stories that resonate deeply.

  1. Seek Inspiration Beyond the Bookstore:

Step outside your usual literary haunts and embrace serendipity! Ask friendly booksellers for recommendations like a seasoned yeti navigating the frozen tundra. Explore literary podcasts and websites curated by fellow bookworms. Dive into online book clubs to discover hidden gems, or follow bookish friends on social media for unexpected treasures. Let your reading radar ping with diverse voices and perspectives, expanding your literary horizons like a spring thaw revealing new landscapes.

  1. Build a Balanced Bookshelf:

Variety is the spice of the reading life! Don’t get snowed in by one genre. Sprinkle in some non-fiction for intellectual nourishment, a dash of poetry for lyrical beauty, and a generous helping of contemporary voices for fresh perspectives. Create a reading rainbow, embracing diverse themes, cultures, and writing styles to broaden your literary horizons like a blossoming flower in spring.

  1. Set Realistic Resolutions:

Remember, quality trumps quantity! Choose books that ignite your soul, not tick a to-do box. Set achievable goals, like reading one book a month or exploring a new genre each season. Allow time for unexpected delights and rereads. Reading is a journey, not a race, so savor the slow burn of a captivating story over the quick rush of a bestseller.

  1. Embrace the Thrill of the Unknown:

Sometimes, the most magical reads fall like snowflakes from the sky. Leave room for serendipity to surprise you! Don’t be afraid to abandon a book that doesn’t spark joy, and give yourself permission to wander down unexpected literary paths. Embrace the element of surprise, and let the whispers of the wind guide you toward hidden literary gems.

Reading is a solitary joy, but sharing it can double the delight. Discuss your favorite reads with friends, recommend hidden gems to family, or even start a mini book club at work. When you share your reading journey, you create a ripple effect of discovery, encouraging others to embark on their own literary adventures. Remember, every bookworm you inspire could become another torchbearer, illuminating the world with the magic of stories.

Every great adventurer needs a trusty compass and a cozy campfire. Translate that to your reading life by establishing a personal reading ritual. Whether it’s brewing a fragrant tea before cracking open a book, carving out quiet time by the fireplace, or joining a local book club, create a routine that sparks anticipation and invites you to lose yourself in the written world. Soon, your chosen ritual will become a beacon, guiding you back to the warmth and adventure waiting between the pages.

Infuse your reading with the changing seasons! As spring blooms, delve into stories of rebirth and renewal. Summer’s warmth calls for lighthearted adventures and beach reads. Cozy up with mysteries and thrillers as autumn leaves turn golden, and savor heartwarming tales as winter’s chill sets in. Make your reading a year-round wonderland, a haven of warmth and wonder amidst the ever-changing seasons.

So, dear reader, as 2024 stretches before you, a blank page waiting to be filled with ink and imagination, grab your pen, craft your “To-Read” list, and prepare for a year of literary adventures. May your bookshelf become a treasure trove of stories, each page a snowflake melting on your tongue, leaving a taste of wonder and delight? Happy reading!

Contact Austin Macauley for more blog posts, and you can submit your manuscript if you want your work published. You can also apply quickly and easily through the online application form. You can stay up to date on our new releases and events by joining our family of authors and readers through our FacebookTwitterand Instagram pages.


The Best Children’s Books to Start the New Year with a Smile

There’s nothing like a good book to spark the imagination and curiosity of children. Whether it’s a traditional tale or a funny story, a book can teach valuable lessons, share positive messages, and create lasting memories. And what better time to enjoy a book than the new year, when the spirit of hope and joy is in the air?

These books are full of adventure and fun, and they inspire kids to try new things during the holidays. They are written by authors who know how to make kids enjoy reading, using exciting themes that appeal to kids of all ages.

The New Year is a time of joy and happiness for kids. Parents want to find books for their children that hold important messages inside a wholesome story.

These books are not only entertaining and educational, but also culturally diverse and emotionally engaging. They will make your kids laugh, learn, and appreciate literature from a young age.

Books help to expand your Children’s Young Minds:

Books are a great way to expand your children’s minds and help them develop various skills and abilities. By stimulating their imagination, curiosity, and creativity, as they explore different worlds, characters, and stories. They can also enhance their language, literacy, and communication skills, as they learn new words, expressions, and grammar. Books can also aid in their critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning skills, as they follow the plot. It is a perfect way to showcase different cultures around the holidays, and to help them develop an appreciation of diversity and empathy. It allows them to see opportunities that may come to them in the future. Books are a wonderful gift for your children, and they can benefit from them in many ways.

Inspiring Bedtime Stories for Young Readers

Reading bedtime stories for kids is a wonderful habit that can benefit both you and your children, by strengthening your bond with your children, and creating lasting memories. It is a lovely way to spend quality time with your children and show them your love and attention. You can also share your own stories and experiences and learn more about each other.

Especially around the holidays, you can also create a special tradition or memory that your children will cherish and remember.

We have listed some books which would be perfect to share with you children this New Year:


Adam’s First Day at School:

Adam’s First Day at School” is a story that every kid can relate to. He is excited to meet his new teacher and make new friends. To make this story engaging, the author has used rhyming sentences. He asks a question from the reader: What do you think Adam learns on his first day?


Alya & Faisal

The author wrote this story that her mother used to tell her while playing with her hair. This story sticks in the author’s mind like a movie.

The main characters names were Aaliyah and Faisal named after her children, who inspired her to pick up the pen.


The Way Out of Boredom

In this book there is a creature is known as “The Very Bored Fluff Ball.” He spends his day watching TV, eating and napping. A person passes from his messy room and plans a trip to Italy to take him away. The fluff ball was unhappy to leave his room and move to Italy with him.


Spark the Sparkly Dragon

This is a story about Danny and Sammy, who find a baby dragon on their way to school. They name him Spark and decide to keep him as a secret. They have to take care of him and hide him from everyone. This is a story about friendship, honesty, and responsibility.



These are some of the books that we recommend reading at new year. We hope you enjoy them and find something that suits you and your children. We wish you a happy and healthy new year, full of books and reading.

Happy New Year!

Contact Austin Macauley for more blog posts, and you can submit your manuscript if you want your work published. You can also apply quickly and easily through the online application form. You can stay up to date on our new releases and events by joining our family of authors and readers through our FacebookTwitterand Instagram pages.


Celebrating UAE National Day with Insightful Reads

The United Arab Emirates’ National Day is a momentous occasion, commemorating the unification of the seven emirates. It is a day of national pride, cultural reflection, and celebration. Amidst the festivities, it’s also a perfect time to delve into books that enrich our understanding of the UAE’s culture, history, and development. In this spirit, let’s explore three compelling books that resonate with the essence of this special day.


Cracking the Sales Code


Sales is an art that requires a fusion of the right mindset, skillset, and toolset. “Cracking the Sales Code” offers a masterful approach to achieving sales excellence. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur in Dubai or a seasoned sales executive in Abu Dhabi, this book is your guide to scaling new heights in your sales career. The author presents a simple yet potent formula to help you unlock your full sales potential. With this book, you embark on a journey that not only enhances your professional skills but also aligns with the spirit of growth and ambition that the UAE embodies.


Geographical Names – Memory of Generations

The UAE’s rich history and cultural identity are intricately linked to its geographical landmarks. “Geographical Names – Memory of Generations” dives into the profound significance of these names, offering insights into the UAE’s historical and geographical heritage. The book is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding how the UAE’s landscape has evolved over time. It reveals the transformations of various locations, shedding light on the nation’s journey from past to present. This book is especially pertinent on National Day, as it helps us appreciate the deep-rooted history and cultural legacy of the UAE.


Late Dress

“Late Dress” is a delightful exploration of childhood adventures in the UAE. Following the experiences of Talal, Lamar, and their friends, this book is a charming portrayal of youth and exploration across the emirates. It’s a fantastic read for families, offering a glimpse into the everyday adventures and cultural experiences within the UAE. This book is particularly fitting for National Day, as it encapsulates the spirit of unity, friendship, and discovery that is central to the UAE’s ethos.


As we celebrate UAE National Day, these books provide not just entertainment, but also a deeper understanding and appreciation of the nation’s heritage, culture, and aspirations. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, delving into these reads is a perfect way to connect with the spirit of the UAE.


Contact Austin Macauley for more blog posts, and you can submit your manuscript if you want your work published. You can also apply quickly and easily through the online application form. You can stay up to date on our new releases and events by joining our family of authors and readers through our FacebookTwitterand Instagram pages.