What is Eid Milad un Nabi – The Prophet’s Life as An Example

The Holy Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is an auspicious occasion marked around the Muslim ummah. Known as Mawlid, Mawlid al-Nabi al-Sharif, or Eid Milad un Nabi, its name differs depending on what part of the Muslim World you live in.

The Holy Prophet’s life is an example for all of the followers of the Muslim faith and one that every believer tries to emulate.

Keeping this in mind, his birthday is an important religious event that many go out of their way to celebrate. Let’s learn more about the importance of the day in the Islamic calendar and five ways you can celebrate with your children.

Prophet Muhammad Birthday

The date the Holy Prophet was born is unknown, but estimates suggest it falls on the 12th day of the third Islamic month. Muslims worldwide celebrate this day as an opportunity to commemorate the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

The holy Prophet was born in his uncle’s house, Abu Talib, and his father had passed on before him. His mother, Amina, informed his grandfather when he was born, and he gave the Prophet his name, Muhammad.

The Prophet’s life is full of trials and tribulations, and as a child, he endured many painful events, like the death of his mother when he was six and the end of his grandfather two years later. His life is a testament to the fact that if you have faith in Allah, you can overcome all your struggles and trials.

As the Quranic ayat narrates:

Allah says in the Holy Quran, “And certainly We shall test you with something of fear; hunger; loss of wealth, lives and fruits (or crops), but give glad tidings to the patient ones.” (Quran, 2:155)

5 Ways to Celebrate Eid-Milad-Un Nabi

How do we celebrate Eid Milad Un Nabi? Here are five simple ways to remember the Prophet on this auspicious occasion and involve your children and other family members.

1.     Remember the Prophet and Send Him Blessings

Remember the Prophet by reciting prayers to send him blessings. You can recite Darood, with the entire family participating. This is a beautiful way to remember the Prophet and a great way to involve your children. Learn the translation in your local language and explain its meaning to your children.

2.     Learn About His Life

Deepen your understanding of the Prophet’s life and how he led it. Explore about his struggles and how he brought entire communities together to fight in the name of Islam. Learn about how he treated adversaries, women and children. There is a lesson in every chapter of his life, and as Muslims, we should try to learn and implement.

  1. Express Gratitude

Thank Allah for everything you have, including your good health. Engage your family members in listing everything they are thankful for and offer prayers of gratitude. This will bring you closer to Allah and remind you not to be ungrateful or spiteful of others.

4.     Give Charity

Dedicate your day to a local charity or organization that helps others. The Holy Prophet dedicated his life to the human race and furthering the message of Islam. In that spirit, do what is in your power to help fellow human beings and remind them of the great person the Holy Prophet was.

The Holy Prophet said: The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be their charity” (Hadith, Tirmidhi).

5.     Read the Quran

Read the Quran with meaning and translation. It is not only important to read the Quran, but you should also know what you are reading. In your local language, learn the meaning and translation of what the Holy Book says and pass this knowledge on to your children.


Remember the Prophet on Eid Milad un Nabi

Eid Milad Un Nabi is an excellent time to renew your faith and connection with Islam and the Holy Prophet. If you have yet to delve into the history and the life of the Holy Prophet, this day is the perfect time to start.

Make sure to purchase some books ahead of time so that you can take the time to read and learn more about his life. Set time aside to read to your children and tell them about the life of the Prophet and the critical lessons we can all learn from his life.


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Promoting Peace Through Books: Celebrating International Day of Peace

In a world often marred by turmoil and discord, the International Day of Peace serves as a poignant reminder that the pursuit of peace is a shared global aspiration. Celebrated on September 21st every year, this day provides an opportunity for all of us to contemplate the importance of peace in our lives and how we can contribute to a more harmonious world. While peace may seem elusive at times, one often-overlooked avenue to promote it is through the pages of a book. In this blog, we will explore how books can offer solace, inspire change, and contribute to a more peaceful world.

The Power of Literature

Literature has an unparalleled ability to transport readers to different times and places, allowing them to empathise with characters from diverse backgrounds. It provides a lens through which we can better understand the complexities of human nature and the intricacies of conflict. By delving into the narratives of others, we gain insights into their struggles, aspirations, and, most importantly, their quest for peace.

Books serve as a medium through which readers can explore various facets of peace, including inner peace, peace in our communities, and global peace. Whether it’s a work of fiction that unravels the human psyche or a non-fiction book that delves into the intricacies of peacebuilding, literature broadens our perspectives and fosters empathy.

Finding Peace Within the Pages

Inner peace is the foundation upon which a peaceful world is built. It is the ability to remain calm, composed, and resilient in the face of life’s challenges. Books have long been recognised as a source of solace for those seeking inner peace. Through the wisdom imparted by authors, we can find guidance on mindfulness, meditation, and coping with stress.

Take, for instance, the timeless classic “The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler. This book explores the concept of happiness and offers practical insights on achieving a state of mental peace and contentment. Similarly, Thich Nhat Hanh’s “Peace Is Every Step” beautifully illustrates how mindfulness can transform our daily lives, paving the way for inner tranquillity.

Promoting Peace in Communities

Books not only nurture individual peace but also have the power to inspire collective change within communities. Reading about the struggles and triumphs of individuals who have overcome adversity can motivate us to address social issues and work towards a more equitable world.

Books such as Malala Yousafzai’s “I Am Malala” and Bryan Stevenson’s “Just Mercy” shed light on the challenges faced by marginalised communities and the resilience of those who champion justice and equality. These narratives can ignite a sense of activism and encourage readers to engage in meaningful social change.

Shaping the Narrative Towards Peace

The stories we tell and the narratives we propagate have a profound impact on our collective consciousness. Books play a pivotal role in shaping this narrative, often challenging stereotypes and prejudices that perpetuate conflict. By reading diverse literature that reflects the complexity of human experiences, we contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic world.

Reading literature from regions affected by conflict or by authors who have lived through turbulent times can provide valuable insights into the human cost of war and strife. Books like Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Half of a Yellow Sun” transport readers into the heart of conflict zones, humanising the suffering endured by individuals caught in the crossfire.


As we commemorate the International Day of Peace, let us remember the transformative power of books. Literature can instil a sense of peace within us, inspire us to take action in our communities and shape our narrative towards a more harmonious world. By choosing books that promote understanding, empathy, and reconciliation, we actively contribute to the global pursuit of peace.

On this day, let us pick up a book that speaks to the themes of peace, compassion, and unity. Let us read for peace, not just for ourselves but for the betterment of our world. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Reading is the first step towards that change, and books are our allies on the path to peace.

So, what will you read today to promote peace?

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International Literacy Day: A Journey of Knowledge, Empowerment, and Evolution

Celebrate International Literacy Day with our top book picks, spanning linguistic policies in the Baltic States to the emotional well-being of children. Dive deep into the world of literature, championing the essence of literacy in today’s society.


Every year on September 8th, we celebrate International Literacy Day, a day that serves as a reminder of the immeasurable importance of literacy as a fundamental human right and cornerstone of a sustainable and dignified society. Beyond the mere skill of reading and writing, literacy grants us the ability to comprehend the world, make informed decisions, and engage with others on profound levels.


This International Literacy Day, it’s pertinent to remind ourselves that the journey of literacy isn’t merely about understanding words, but the deeper nuances and implications that language carries. To understand this better, let’s delve into some noteworthy publications.


Linguistic Planning and Policies in the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia


Language policies play a pivotal role in shaping societies and nowhere is this more evident than in the Baltic States. This book critically examines the linguistic planning experiences in these states. It ventures deep into the societal impact of linguistic policies, exploring concepts like linguistic policy types, the integration or exclusion of language in Baltic society, and much more. A noteworthy read for anyone interested in understanding how language can define nations and their socio-cultural landscapes.


Phonological Error Patterns from a Clinical Perspective


For those interested in the intricacies of language development and speech, this book offers an insightful journey. It dissects the systematic errors children make as their phonological understanding develops. Professionals in the field of phoniatrics and speech-language pathology will find this guide invaluable for understanding and diagnosing speech sound disorders.


The Four Levels of HR Excellence


The world of human resources is ever-evolving, and Adi Mazen’s book provides a fresh perspective on building contemporary HR departments. It presents an easy-to-understand model that sheds light on crafting robust HR strategies for today’s dynamic business environment. Mid-career HR professionals can benefit immensely from its illustrative take on complex HR concepts and the provided framework to gauge their career effectiveness.


Visiting the Feelings Doctor


Every child faces challenges, but how they cope defines their emotional well-being. Visiting the Feelings Doctor is a poignant tale of Luke, who faces overwhelming emotions when confronted with life changes. It underscores the significance of seeking professional psychological help, serving as a gentle reminder that mental health is as important as physical health.


This International Literacy Day, let’s embrace the world of literature and knowledge, understanding that literacy is not just about reading words but interpreting the stories, experiences, and wisdom they carry. Dive into these books, grow your understanding, and continue championing the importance of literacy in every corner of the world.


Contact Austin Macauley for more blog posts, and you can submit your manuscript if you want your work published. You can also apply quickly and easily through the online application form. You can stay up to date on our new releases and events by joining our family of authors and readers through our FacebookTwitterand Instagram pages.