Tips to Improve Reading

The new year brings new goals and self-improvement resolutions everyone wants to meet. If you were like most, you committed to reading more this year than you did last year.

Reading is one of the few activities busy individuals sometimes need help finding time to actively participate in. With so many everyday tasks that take precedence in work and family life, putting that book aside is usually what one does when trying to complete other more ‘important’ tasks.

Learning how to read efficiently and effectively is a great way to improve your reading skills and increase the rate at which you can finish books. A great way to do this is through the practice of active reading. But what is active reading, and how can you practice it? This post gives you an overview of the skill and how to improve your reading skills.


What do we mean by Active Reading?

Active reading is reading to understand with a determination to understand the text and evaluate it according to your needs. When actively reading, you are not just simply going over the text but dissecting it to consider what it means to you.

You can practice active reading by highlighting essential passages, making notes in the margin and by, critically looking at the text and asking yourself questions. You can test yourself by putting the material away for an hour and then trying to create a summary of the text in your mind. You can even tell someone else what the text means to evaluate your understanding and comprehension of what you have read.

Students often use active reading when trying to retain and understand textbook material. It is an effective way to learn more and learn better. As an adult, active reading is a great way to read a book, especially if you are part of a book club or reading circle. It will give you thoughts and comments to share with the group when you meet to discuss what you have read each week. Having questions ready for other readers will help you evaluate your understanding of the text compared to others.

Top Tips on How to Improve Reading Skills

Looking for ways to improve reading skills and reading practice. These tips will get you started in the right direction:


1.      Plan It Out

Make a plan and schedule how to improve reading skills. You can also schedule your reading time by scheduling meetings, work tasks, and after-work social commitments. This is the best way to carve out time to read for busy individuals who depend on calendars and meeting invites. This time does not have to be after office hours when you may be overwhelmed with family commitments. You can even spend your lunch hour or commute to and from work reading a book.


2.      Create Targets to Meet

Can’t finish that book on time? Why not create small goals you must meet every day or every week? Create targets to meet each week to complete the book by a specific time. By dividing up the chapters and pages, you can manage your reading time and finishing the book will not seem so overwhelming. You can even treat yourself after meeting your goal by watching a movie or engaging in fun reading activities.


3.      Research Author and Purpose of Text

Research the author and what inspired them to write the book. This is a great way to give you perspective on why the book was written, its inspiration and the writer’s perspective when they were penning the words. In certain circumstances, knowing why a book was written can give you a deeper understanding and comprehension of the book.


4.      Try Note Taking

Making notes on the margins is a great way to practice active reading and remember essential points about passages you read. By writing notes, you can remember important aspects of the book that you can go back to when needed and writing on the margins or sticky notes will help you find them easily.


5.      Summarize the Book

Making a written or mental summary of the book is a great way to improve reading comprehension. Book covers have summaries that can be an excellent blueprint for you to follow when making your summary. Share the summary with friends or relatives whenever anyone asks you what you are reading.


Read more Effectively and Efficiently with these Tips

Now that you have five easy ways to improve reading skills that will help you read with more intent, there is no stopping how many books you can get through. It is important to remember that by putting down our phones and tablets and stepping away from our desktops, we commit to unplugging and spending time with ourselves without distraction. Why not pick up a book instead and delve into the relaxing pages of an excellent book to reenergize your soul and mind?


Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The Power of Local Libraries & Purpose They Serve In the Community

The Power of Local Libraries & Purpose They Serve In the Community

Local libraries are often overlooked as important community resources. However, these institutions play a vital role in promoting education, literacy, and community engagement. In this blog post, we will explore the power of local libraries and the purpose and benefits they serve in our communities.

Benefits of Local Libraries and the Purpose They Serve to Their Community.


• Access to Knowledge and Information

Local libraries provide access to knowledge and information for all members of the community. This includes books, magazines, newspapers, and digital resources such as e-books, audiobooks, and databases. This access to information is especially important for individuals who may not have the means to purchase books or access digital resources on their own. Furthermore, local libraries also provide access to educational and research materials, which can help students of all ages to succeed in their studies.


• Promoting Literacy and Language Development

In addition to providing access to information and education, local libraries also play a key role in promoting literacy and language development. They offer programs and services such as storytime and reading groups, which can help children develop a love for reading and improve their reading skills. For adults, local libraries offer ESL classes and other programs to help them improve their language skills and become more proficient in English.


• A Resource for Employment

Local libraries are also an important community resource for those seeking employment. They offer access to job databases, career counseling, and other resources that can help individuals find and secure employment. They also provide access to computer and internet resources, which are essential tools for job searching and career development.


• Community Spaces

Beyond their role as a source of information and education, local libraries also serve as community spaces where individuals can gather and connect with others. They offer meeting rooms and other spaces that can be used for community events and activities. For example, local libraries often host book clubs, art shows, lectures, and other events that bring people together and foster a sense of community.


• Access to Technology and the Internet

In today’s digital era, libraries have adopted technology and have made themselves more accessible than ever before. They provide access to the internet, computers, and digital resources that can help individuals stay connected and informed. They also provide training and support for those who may not have experience using these technologies.


• Preserving Local History and Culture

Another important benefit of local libraries is their role in preserving local history and culture. They often have collections of historical documents, photographs, and other materials that provide insight into the history and culture of the community. These collections serve as valuable resources for researchers, students, and anyone interested in learning about the community’s past.

In conclusion, local libraries are an essential community resource that plays a vital role in promoting education, literacy, and community engagement. They provide access to information and education, promote literacy and language development, serve as a resource for those seeking employment, and provide community spaces where individuals can gather and connect with others. They also provide access to technology and internet and preserve local history and culture. It is important for communities to support and invest in their local libraries to ensure that they continue to provide these valuable services to their members.
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You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok.

Learn to Love Yourself this February

Focusing on yourself and taking the time to learn how you can promote self-development is vital as ever. Why not learn to love yourself this February by reading these great self-help books?

Learning how to love yourself may take work for some. Doing your homework and learning techniques for self-development can go a long way in building one’s self-esteem. This can have a significant positive impact on relationships, parenting, interactions at work and everyday tasks. If the perception of yourself is not something you are proud of, it can lead to severe consequences.

Taking small daily steps to build your self-image is as essential as any other self-care. Not knowing how to do it is a significant concern for many. Let us learn how self-help books can encourage you to build your self-esteem and promote self-love.

Here are some great reasons to check them out:

Why Self-Help Books can Help Your Self-Development

The first complaint of individuals looking for self-development techniques is the need to learn them. Learning what they are and how you can implement them quickly is the first step in making sure that you are taking concrete steps in setting yourself up to succeed.

Here are some reasons why you need to buy those self-help books today:

1.      You Can Help Yourself

You do not need to go to anyone else for help; the key is in your hands. Only depending upon someone else for advice is a great reason to buy a self-help book today. You can rest assured that you are getting the best advice without strings attached. You can learn essential techniques and tips that no single individual can give you.

2.      Tried and Tested Advice

It is tried and tested advice that you can count on. Many self-help books have been in reprints and date back to 20 years ago. With millions following tested techniques, you will be confident in knowing that you are getting expert advice that works. Many self-help books have online fan groups where readers can share and reflect on what worked and what did not. These can support your journey to achieving your better self.

3.      The Categories are Endless

The categories are endless when it comes to niches and specific categories of self-help books. If you are looking for a particular facet of self-help, you can be sure there has been a book written on it. Purchasing a self-development has always been challenging, with many choices and sub-categories.

4.      Change the Way You Think

Self-help books can help you change the way you think about life and work. Just browsing through a self-development book can be life-changing. Changing your opinion on how you perceive people and situations is essential to self-love. Deciding to embark on this journey starts with changing how you look at things.

5.      Challenge Yourself

Self-development books will help you challenge yourself. If you want to make a severe change in your lifestyle and perspective, then self-help books can help you do that. Challenging yourself will be part of your journey towards self-development and discovery.

Self-Help Books That Will Help You Love Yourself

We have the perfect list of books that will help you love yourself. Books on self-love can help you reach your fullest potential and reach higher levels of self-esteem.

You can purchase all of these books on Austin McCauley’s online website. Click on the links to read more about the books and their authors.



Start 2023 Right With these Self-Development Books

The year 2023 is off to a great start by committing to love itself. Make the journey even more accessible by checking out these fantastic self-development books.

Learning to love yourself is not achieved in a single day or week. The journey can take months and years, but it starts with changing your perspective. Take the step today!

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you want to publish your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form. You can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Spread the Love of Books This International Book Giving Day

International Book Giving Day

International Book Giving Day is an annual event that takes place on February 14th. The purpose of this day is to promote the joy of reading and the importance of books in our lives. The aim is to encourage individuals, organizations, and communities to come together to share the love of books and promote literacy.

The idea behind International Book Giving Day was first conceived in 2012 by author and blogger, Emma Walton Hamilton. She was inspired to create this day after reading an article about how children in developing countries often do not have access to books. She wanted to find a way to bring books to children who would otherwise not have access to them. Since then, International Book Giving Day has grown in popularity and has become an international event, celebrated in over 50 countries.

The day is an important reminder of the power of books and the impact they can have on individuals and communities. Books open up a world of imagination and creativity, providing an escape from reality, and encouraging children and adults to dream big. Reading can also help to improve language skills, increase knowledge, and promote empathy and understanding.

5 Ways to Celebrate International Book Giving Day

There are many ways to get involved, from giving books to children, to hosting a book drive, to encouraging others to read. Let’s come together on this day and share the love of books with those around us. Here are 5 ways to celebrate International Book Giving Day:

  1. Donate books: One of the most popular ways to get involved in International Book Giving Day is to give books to children. This can be done by donating new or gently used books to schools, libraries, and organizations that work with children. It can also be done by leaving books in public places, such as parks, libraries, and hospitals, for people to take and enjoy.
  2. Host a book drive: Organizing a book drive is a great way to bring the community together and raise awareness about the importance of reading. This can be done by collecting new or gently used books, and then donating them to schools, libraries, and organizations that work with children.
  3. Share the love of reading: Encourage friends and family to pick up a book and share your own love of reading with others. You can also recommend your favorite books to others and discuss them together.
  4. Read to children: One of the best ways to celebrate International Book Giving Day is by reading to children. This can be done by volunteering at a school, library, or children’s hospital, or by reading to children in your own community.
  5. Plan an event: Host a book fair, a book club meeting, or a reading event to promote the love of reading and books in your community. This can be a great way to bring people together and raise awareness about the importance of books.

International Book Giving Day is an important event that aims to promote the joy of reading and the importance of books in our lives. Let’s come together on this day and share the love of books with those around us.

Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more such blogs, and submit your manuscript if you are looking for publishing your work. You can also make a quick and easy submission through the online submission form.

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