Who Broke The Glasses? And Other Stories

Sara Mostafawi

Total Pages: 58
SKU: N/A Categories: ,


The series is the second part of a collection of stories that narrate, in an engaging manner, events that children face with bullies at home or school. It ties these events to Prophetic hadiths and Quranic verses.

This connection helps teachers and caregivers reinforce the child’s faith and moral dimension through the situations they encounter.

The stories promote the concepts of respecting human differences, whether racial or personality differences, as well as respecting the privacy of others’ possessions, avoiding harm to them, or damaging their properties, and understanding their fears without mocking them.

Sara Mustafawi, Bachelor's degree in Interior Design from Virginia Commonwealth University, Qatar 2008.

Master's in Public Policy from Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar 2012.

Participating researcher in the International Annual Conference for the Arabic Language by the International Arabic Language Council, Beirut 2012.

Short Story Award, 5th edition,
Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Community Development, UAE 2015."

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