A Part of My Belongings tells the story of Amber McQueeny, a teenage girl who is looking for her mother’s killer, accompanied by Luis Vandiza, who took t
A Part of My Belongings tells the story of Amber McQueeny, a teenage girl who is looking for her mother’s killer, accompanied by Luis Vandiza, who took the responsibility to protect and care for her upon himself, not only to fulfill her mother’s will, but also to honor a promise he had made on the day she held his ring finger in her little fingertips for the first time.
In a merciless world, Vandiza found himself struggling and defenseless, accompanied by his two companions, and with a weapon that is difficult to believe.
The ability to read a person’s thoughts is a miraculous weapon, which the hero controls with unparalleled dexterity, fighting his destiny, and driven by his desire to protect Amber.
Laila, the author of this novel, includes many surprises, twists and turns, and has brought to life deep, relatable, and thought-provoking characters. A Part of My Belongings exercises tight narrative control and a novel setting, as well as a truly surprising ending!