Ismaeel Hasan Ahmed

Ismaeel Hasan Ahmed roles and achievements: - Member of the Board of Directors of the General Union of Arab Experts. - Representative of the General Union of Arab Experts in the Kingdom of Bahrain. - Certified accounting expert at the General Union of Arab Experts. - General Coordinator of the Union of Arab Arbitrators in the Kingdom of Bahrain. - A commercial arbitration consultant accredited by the Arab Arbitrators Union. - An international arbitrator accredited by the Nations Center for International Arbitration. - Certified accountant at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Waqf in the Kingdom of Bahrain. - Certified arbitrator at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Waqf in the Kingdom of Bahrain. - Certified accountant expert at the Commercial Arbitration Center for the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. - An accredited arbitrator at the Commercial Arbitration Center for the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. - Member of the Accounting and Auditing Authority of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. - Member of the Bahraini Accountants Association. - Member of the Bahrain Administrative Society. - He is one of the pioneers of founding commercial education in the Kingdom of Bahrain 50 years ago. - He wrote books on financial accounting and auditing, and he has obtained intellectual property rights for them from the Ministry of Information in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
