Danah Tuffaha, Hanan Al-Amad and Nedaa Elias

Three creative friends came together to share their passion for the colorful life of Jordan. A storyteller, an architect, and an artist desired to inform the world of the rich culture through a medium all can enjoy, while allowing all to contribute their own creative energy through this coloring book. Oftentimes, people only get to see a small portion of what Jordan has to offer through the most visited attractions. In this coloring book, children and adults alike can learn the rich history and culture by immersing themselves page by page, color by color, from north to south. For many, this book is about embarking authentically into a world new to them, and for those whom Jordan is home to, nostalgia lives through each carefully crafted illustration. The authors hope that by exploring this book, you will find the hidden treasures that have long made Jordan a cherished and unique gem in our world.
