السلطعون فرانك | Austin Macauley Publishers
السلطعون فرانك-bookcover

بقلم: محمد عواد

السلطعون فرانك

خيال الأطفال
menu. 56 الصفحات التقييمات:
اختر صيغة الكتاب: اختر

*متوفر مباشرةً من موزعينا، انقر على علامة التبويب "متوفر على" أدناه

Welcome to our adventure in the intertidal zone, near the beach!

Come join us, me Fiona and Frank the fiddler crabs, and our friend Mike the Mudskipper, to explore how we live and survive in such a harsh environment. You’ll learn about us fiddler crabs, where our name comes from, and why boys are different from girls. Also, you’ll learn how we eat and how we use our legs to hear and to tell food from mud! And you’ll see how we almost got eaten by a flamingo!

This educational journey through the intertidal zone, also explains how humans can help in protecting this environment, so we can all live together.

A marine biologist at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, who loves the sea and all its wonders.

The author has a bachelor’s degree in zoology and marine sciences from Kuwait University. The author also has Master’s and PhD degrees from the universities of Glasgow, UK and Sheffield, UK, in the same field, respectively.

Writing, especially for children, is an essential part of the author’s life to educate them about science in a simple, fun, and interactive way.

This is his third published book in English after “Wade the Whale” and “Nature’s Conversation”. He also published a children’s story in Arabic, another one in Japanese, two collections of short stories in Arabic, and a play for children performed in Kuwait.  

He is always happy to be contacted on:



Instagram (stories): @seatories and #wade_the_whale

Instagram (personal): @moawadali78

YouTube: Seatories

Facebook: mohammad.awad.12


If you loke more information you can go to:


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