الصقر الملكي | Austin Macauley Publishers
الصقر الملكي-bookcover


الصقر الملكي

الإنجليزية 242 الصفحات التقييمات: 4.6
اختر صيغة الكتاب: اختر

*متوفر مباشرةً من موزعينا، انقر على علامة التبويب "متوفر على" أدناه

بعد وفاة زوجها إيرل، وهو ساكسوني يبلغ عمره ضعفي عمرها، سُمِح للسيدة النبيلة الشابة ذات الأصول النورمانية بالعودة إلى فرنسا. لكن رحلة عودتها لم تكن بالنزهة، بل كانت طريق رعبٍ محفوف بالمخاطر، مليء بالتآمر.. فأسرار الأسرة الدفينة، والمجوهرات التي سرقت، إضافة إلى الغارات التي تعرضت لها من قبل عصابة ويلزية من الأشرار عبر الحدود.. كل ذلك جاء ضدها. تم إلقاء القبض عليها وزجها في زنزانة، وقد هُدِّدَت بالتعذيب خلال سوقها للمحاكمة بتهمة السرقة والقتل. هذا لغز من القرون الوسطى ذو أبعاد ملحمية، مليء بالتحولات والمنعطفات، ويبلغ ذروته عند محاكمة السيدة أديلا فيتزجيرالد. لكن هل يمكن لوصول صقَّار الملك أن يُكشَف النِّقاب عن الألغاز ويثبت براءة السيدة النورمانية قبل فوات الأوان؟ هل يستطيع أن ينقذها من حبل المشنقة؟
تعليقات العملاء
9 الآراء
9 الآراء
  • Nakul

    I finished reading in 2 days. Books is All about self discipline and self motivation.

  • Ajmer Brar

    Inspiring story.story of Hope dreams overcoming barriers.

  • Kamal

    Motivational ,quick and great read,

  • Feby Merin Joseph

    "Turned Mile Into S'mile" indeed a great caption. This book is an autobiography of Mrs. Deepika Dubey , a proud Flight Attendant. The book talks about the challenges that she had to experience during her childhood and through the journey to fulfill her great dream .Despite of all the struggle, she believed in herself and held strong to her grandfather's advice '' No Risk - No Game " . The life lessons that Mrs Deepika has learned and would like all the young people to absorb is that " it's every generation's responsibility to show the endless possibilities to the next. We must tell them that they are not alone in their journey, we all are in this together and we shall overcome " . " Life is not about finding yourself, life is all about creating yourself " . Despite all the bullying, low self esteem,no confidence she promised herself that she will change and don't have to do it for people but for herself ,for her parents. The great dream of hers was to touch the sky, to be a flight attendant. As she was relentlessly working towards her goal ,despite all the rejections and hardships she made it through. She succeeded and became a Flight Attendant in an International Airline . Her journey proved that where you reach is important not where you come from. You are in charge of your own destiny. This book is volume 1 . Volume 2 is yet to come which talks about rest of her life after she became a flight attendant .

  • Kamaljit

    Superb inspirational story ?

  • Usama

    Reading this book is like watching a movie I couldn’t stop reading until I reached the end. And now I wants to know more. Hopefully in her next book.

  • CG

    Lived this journey of life myself too, so loved going through the book..A "must read" book for someone who really took their past positively to build their present & future. Kudos to the Author Deepika for her great achievements in life with extreme challenges and hard work. This book is an inspiration truely for many.

  • Kimberly

    I found the book very interesting and could relate to alot of instances that the Author went through. I am not an avid reader but this book got me hooked on and for the very first time I read a book from cover to cover. Hats off to Deepika for pulling through the tough times .This books reveals the zeal she had in leaving no stone unturned simply to reach her goals. What an inspirational book. It's definitely a must read. ?

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