The story revolves around our hero who had an accident that completely changes the sequence of events; Which led to the release of the deadliest existence in the universe, that in return, unleashed evil everywhere causing a complete destruction.Sharar and his friends can only confront this evil, ove...
Rashid Alrahmani
Do you know the tragedy of patience for those whom you give the most wonderful life and they give you wreaths of pain in the disguise of roses? Do you know that they are the pain that afflicts the soul, and a pain that hurts the heart? Such people do not deserve to remain in our days, they deserve ...
Those words on these pages were the production of years of unity in its various forms…I am grateful to her for the many things she has honored me for. So it was worth sharing it with every interested reader who might find his consolation in it....
Maryam Aljabrini
Days give us and take from us in return; one rejoices giving and fears taking; therefore, there must be equity. All praises to Allah. Before, the maturity days taught me to enjoy it, and after maturity, I learned to enjoy it myself. ...
Areej Barbari
Despite refraction, extinction, and revolution, estrangement was the only solution to the restoration of the self-inflicted trauma. America was the place where these thoughts were born with all their contradictions, where feelings are written sometimes in a sad sense, portraying the state of grief d...
Salim Alyami
His heart stopped… So the whole life stopped in my eyes. I became a rundown and frustrated man. But my love for reading made me a more solid and powerful person, The reason was the death of the one with the innocent look: My son, Muhammad One year and half old… ...
Maher Al Shehri
A group of relatives gather in a private council on weekend nights, including four who form the “four-wheel drive” group. Two of them represent intellectual strength due to age and experience, namely Hamoudi and Barhoum, and the other two represent physical strength due to the effervesce...
Ibrahim Almulhim
We don’t know what our destiny is, but we believe with certainty that it is beautiful, and therefore we always strive with everything we can to reach it, making all means for that, despite the difficulties and challenges that will face us from within ourselves, or those around us, we will sure...
Qasaid Al Farsi
Love Pirate; A Collection of Varied Poetry That Talks About Different Emotions....
Rania Namer Eitah
It is a collection of stories that talks about the relationship between Adam and Eve, but it doesn’t explain it at all.This book narrated some of the stories and situations that occur daily in our eastern societies between Adam and Eve, or between Eve and Adam- Repeatedly, which amazes us at our i...
Mohammad Wajdi Shaheen
A lot of people leave a wonderful effect on our hearts; even if it may seem like an intrusion at the time, in the end it always leads us to something good. ...
Khalid Bin Khalifa Al - Qanbar
It was one day but could change everything… However, all this chaos will disappear… all these difficult times will be over… The unbearable aches will end… the spring is coming… If this winter is long… the fall of foliage was earlier… the spring will be better… and loaded with a lot ...
Alma Abdullah Ali Alqahtani
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